Thursday, August 28, 2014

TIL: Hearthstone - Episode 0 "The Pilot"

TIL:Hearthstone Episode “0” - Pilot

TIL:Hearthstone is a weekly video podcast that airs every Thursday @ 9pm EDT on TotallyProtocol's Twitch channel here. We recap Hearthstone community news and spotlight a different Hearthstone streamer each week.
Link to Vod on Youtube Click here

TotallyProtocol - CFDragon06

Intro: Hey guys what's going on I'm TotallyProtocol and welcome to TIL: Hearthstone, a new podcast about Hearthstone. Joining me is my co-host CFDragon06. How's it going Dragon?

It’s going great. I’m super excited to have the show go live after all of our planning over the last couple of months. It’s great to be on air with you to discuss such a great game and community.

So what is TIL: Hearthstone? It's a weekly video podcast streamed here on we will discuss community news and events. Each week we will highlight a streamer in a streamer spotlight and have them guest host the show with us, they'll bring a deck and we will discuss it. However, this week we won't have a guest since it's a pilot episode and we just want to figure everything out and introduce ourselves to the community. Finally we will complete the phrase "Today I learned: _____" because if you didn't know TIL stands for Today I Learned if you've ever been on reddit you probably know that.

So lets get down to introducing ourselves since you guys have no idea who we are.
As I said earlier I'm TotallyProtocol, I've been playing Hearthstone since open beta. I have achieved the legend rank. I have a background in MTG, never anything super cometitive but I've been to a few prereleases and limited tournaments, but I was more of a casual play just playing with friends and Friday Night Magic at my local comic book store. I also have a background in YouTube, commentating over COD gameplay giving tips and strategies to improve your game.

CFDragon tell us about yourself.

I’m CFDragon06. Played Hearthstone since open beta. I have also achieved legend rank and my first 12 win arena run about a week ago. I play Hearthstone entirely free-to-play and in Season 3, when I hit legend, I finished the season just outside of the top 100. I have a background in MTG, primarily as an aggro player, usually mono-red. I played in a couple of tournaments outside of the standard Friday night Magics and my best showing was a second place in a sealed limited format tournament at a Mechacon a while back. I’m thankful for HS’s free-to-play option, since MTG was getting to be too expensive to keep up with.

Excellent. Before we get into the news I just wanted to throw a shoutout to Chanman. Value Town ended last week and I will miss that show so much. Chanman put a lot of effort into creating content for the community and it's sad to see him go. One of the reasons I wanted to start a podcast was because I felt like I didn't have enough Hearthstone shows to listen to at work. Now unfortunately there will be one less, hopefully this show can be half the show Value Town was.

There were quite a few tournaments over the weekend and this week. What tournaments did you catch Dragon?

Sunshine Open talk – Winner, Impact and runner up, Brian Kibbler (former MTG pro and general card game pro).

Hyper x – Winner, RDU winning through loser’s bracket

Heroes of Cards - Production quality vs Community growth ...RDU disconnect drama

Also an announcement this week was Realz joining the Hearthstone team as an associate game designer. Thoughts?

Great move for both Realz and for Team 5. Sad to see a top pro go from the community, but he can help the development of HS go in a way that is beneficial for the player (thinking in ways that may not have been the mindset of team 5 beforehand).

Nax Review - overall thoughts

overall thoughts – high quality, fun to play and fun challenge, accessible to all players with or without money, pros and cons of weekly mini release over 5 weeks

Card highlights: Shade of Nax, Deathsbite, Loatheb

Card highlights: duplicate and avenge, so of course mad scientist with those, and spectral knight vs. sludge belcher

Card lowlights: Stoneskin Gargoyle, Nerub’ar Weblord

Card lowlights: Poison Seeds, Zombie Chow

Next expansion: 100-ish cards, separate boosters, unsure about arena rewards as of yet

Possibly leaning towards even more minion interaction as a continued focus of the next set (pure speculation)

Today I Learned: Eye for and Eye is effected by spell damage buffs. While watching the Tabletop earlier today Total Biscuit had 2 Malygos on the board and an eye for and eye down, Trolden had a demolisher which hit TB's face which triggered eye for and eye dealing 12 damage to Trolden giving Total Biscuit the win.

Today I Learned that silencing a minion that was equalitied, counts as a full heal of the minion. This is particularly important to note as a shaman playing with earth shock, as the spell silences the minion first, then deals the damage.

That's gonna do it for this week. Thanks for stopping by. CFDragon, shout-outs and where can people find you?

Find me on twitter @CFDragon06
Protocol – any shout-outs and where can people find you?

And just another shout-out to Chanman for the awesome work he's done for the community. Shoutout to RDU for winning everything all the time. Seriously though congrats on another 2 tournaments won. One last shout-out to my friend Marcus for creating the opening music to the show.
Find me on twitter @TotallyProtocol

Have a great night everyone and see you next week for episode 1!

Referenced links:
IHearthU -
Sunshine Open -
Hyper X Tourney -
Heroes of Cards -
Blizzard Launch Event Post -

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